Emotional Release

Emotional Release

Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$375.00

Sound Healing — 1 Hour in person or remotely

Emotional Release involves harmonizing instruments to tune emotions back to peaceful presence and harmony, facilitating clearing of old patterns and traumas.

  • Basic Sound Healing involves our biofield, meridian matrix, body anatomy, polarity correction, listening to organ systems or areas of trauma and releasing the areas within a healing atmosphere

  • Listening to organ systems/meridians, adrenal fields (anxiety or stress), dental emotional release, and toning to release or raise areas of low energy

  • Body balancing, immune system, nervous system, applying stones or crystals as vibrational corrections (metals — planets)

  • Personalized homeopathic remedies* containing an amplified imprint of your bio-energetic signature (including harmful vibrations/micro-organisms/parasites/toxins/etc.)

    *Provides body with a road map/signal to underlying causes of imbalance. With a clear signal, a frequency remedy does not heal, but can activate body’s innate healing processes.

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Emotional Harmony Package — Up to 4 days of personalized sessions in person or remotely

If you are feeling overwhelmed or drained by stressors of life, rigid beliefs, polarized attitudes, conflicts, expectations, judgments or rejections — and you seek liberation from these thoughts and emotions, I am grateful you found Emotional Release.

By clearing away ingrained mental patterns that obstruct conscious transformation and true Love, it supports spontaneously evolving into improved versions of ourselves, restoring peaceful presence, while embracing this beautiful Life with ease, joy, and glory.

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