Stillness Touch
Stillness Touch
If you are interested in fostering cellular silence, consciousness evolution, embodied Self-realization and tenderness in navigating the intricacies of Life, while gracefully releasing resistances to Love, I am honored inviting you to journey beyond the cranial-sacral field into post-biodynamic Stillness Touch.
Stillness Touch is an art of meditation involving Laying on of Hands, a most powerful practice of centering in the fullness of your Innerness known as Pratyahara, and connecting to the Potency, which created and continues creating your Body. By inwardly journeying into these profound mysteries, integrating shadow complexes, liberating ego-driven fears or desires, and reconnecting to your Heart Field, you can gracefully start strengthening your Holy Presence, Will and Self-Radiant Body of Divine Love.
If this resonates, and you are open to silent meditation complemented by stillness touch, a non-judgmental journey back to your naturalness and Divine blissfulness of Being through living Holy Communion and Synchronicity beyond words, click "contact" to connect — and “add to cart” below to book Stillness Touch in Sedona or remotely.